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A collection of resources on social justice

The University Libraries are heartbroken and outraged at the countless lives ended by racist acts, including the senseless killings of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd. These recent examples bring attention once again to longstanding and widespread injustices in our justice system and country as a whole.

The Libraries are a welcoming, inclusive, and safe resource for every person in our community. We believe that Black lives matter. Racism, violence, discrimination, oppression, and hatred are antithetical to our values, mission, and fundamental humanity, and will not be tolerated in any Libraries-affiliated spaces or services.

We at the Libraries must continue to listen, learn, and better understand injustice and the experiences of others in order to truly be a welcoming and inclusive resource for all, and are dedicated to doing the work necessary to be better allies of and advocates for the victims of injustice.

As part of this effort, we are sharing a series of resources and voices discussing social justice, racism and systemic racism, inequity, and injustice for anyone wishing to better educate themselves about these issues, or seek out perspectives and voices on them. 

These resources include information on:

  • the history of injustices that have led to the current protests
  • the goals sought by some protesters
  • justice-oriented organizations
  • books and other resources to deepen an understanding of social justice issues
  • self-care resources

We thank Miami University’s leadership for their condemnation of racism and bigotry and commitment to inclusion, and share in their resolve to unceasingly work toward a Miami University that serves all.

Antiracism and social justice resources

Curated by the Miami University Libraries

These resources are not intended to be an exhaustive or comprehensive list, but rather an introduction to discovery for anyone seeking to better inform and educate themselves.


Antiracist reading lists

Articles and other resources


Being informed about where you spend your money

Purchasing from Black-owned businesses


How to contact your local police and crime commissioner


Resources for Children

Listen to Black voices

Thinking about the news

Mental health / self-care resources

Creating a space for conversation: